Friday, January 27, 2012

Heritage of Mumbai City

Mumbai city stands out as the capital of the state of Maharashtra in India and it was actually known as Bombay just before 1996. The term Bombay was based on the name Bom Baia which meant Good Bay in Portuguese vocabulary. The historical past of Mumbai city goes back to one thousand BCE while there had been trade partnership with many other international locations of the globe like Egypt and Persia. A variety of dynasties such as Chalukyas, Mauryas, Satavahanas, Rashtrakutas and Vakatakas reigned over this area. Later the Mauryan Ruler Ashoka annexed the 7 island chain comprising the city of Bombay to his kingdom. These 7 island destinations are Mazagaon, Parel, Wadala, Mahim, Old Woman's Island and Colaba. In 1343 the archipelago went in to the control of the Mohammedans of Gujarat.

Portuguese that came up to The Indian subcontinent for commerce took away several areas within the western coast such as Daman and Diu and founded their trade centres there in 16th century. They took Bombay below their command by power and constructed numerous churches at that place which includes St. Andrew’s church. When the British King Charles The second wedded the Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza in the year 1662, Bombay was offered as a portion of their dowry. In 1668, Bombay was offered on lease of 10 pounds of gold a year for the British East India Company. This company changed their headquarters to Bombay in the year 1687.

Mr. Gerald Aungier succeeded Sir George Oxenden as being the governor of Bombay archipelago and during his time period, commerce prospered within this place since he pulled in several Gujarati traders, Parsi ship building contractors along with other manufacturers from numerous parts of the globe. It was during his time that the Bombay Castle was built. In the year 1838, the system of grazing fee was launched and many cattle owners found it tough to afford. The spot was known as Charni indicating grazing and the street afterwards was named as Charni Street.

During the tenure of Sir Robert Grant through 1835 to 1838, many roadways, Thane-Colaba Causeways, Grant Medical College and Sir Jamshedji Jeejeebhoy Group of Hospitals had been constructed. The first train line from Victoria Terminus in Bombay to Thane was built and was launched on 16th April 1853. The steam engines started their routine service in the year 1869. Bombay observed great financial modifications all through this period. That prospered in natural cotton production and foreign trade. Due to the American Civil War in 1861, the demand for natural cotton increased in the Western world. When the Suez Canal had been opened in 1869, Bombay was taken closer to the Western world in seafaring trade and natural cotton was exported in large quantities from Bombay.

In 1859, being a consequence of the First War of Independence, the command of Bombay went into the hands of the British Crown and therefore Sir Baartle Frere had been appointed as the Governor. Within the 2nd half of 19th century, a lot of famous structures like the General Post Office, the Victoria Terminus, Elphinstone College, the Old Secretariat, etc had been constructed.

In the year 1955, Bombay state was reorganized and the new states of Maharashtra and Gujarat had been formed on linguistic lines. Bombay was made as the capital of Maharashtra state on 1st May 1960. In 1996, Bombay was renamed as Mumbai. Bombay that is at present referred to as Mumbai hence carries a extensive and fascinating background and Mumbai photos and Mumbai videos provide glimpses of this wonderful metropolitan area.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance author and blogger and has written thousands of original articles. Just click here to uncover significant details about Mumbai and watch Mumbai photos and Mumbai videos.

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