Tuesday, January 31, 2012

History of Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad stands out as the largest urban center within the Indian state of Gujarat and the seventh biggest city in India. It is located over the banks of the River Sabarmati. It was the capital of Gujarat until it had been shifted to Gandhi Nagar.

The historical record of Ahmedabad starts with the invasion of the Solanki Emperor Karandev. After he conquered the Bhil King Ashapall, he set up the city of Karnavati. In the thirteenth century Vaghela dynasty of Dwaraka ruled this area and in the end of 13th century that came below the Mughal Empire.

The city of Ahmedabad was established by Sultan Ahmed Shah of Muzaffarid Dynasty in the year 1411. While he was sitting on the banks of the Sabarmati River he noticed a hare chasing after a dog. He observed this as a mark of bravery and so wanted to establish his new capital city there which he called as Ahmedabad. There were great commercial improvements during this period and many rich merchants visited this spot for trading. There existed in this area a great and superior banking network. There had been social establishments such as Mahajans for merchants and Panches for artisans who safeguarded their legal rights and safeguarded the spot from any kind of conflicts.

The city of Ahmedabad possessed an external wall of 6 miles longer with twelve gateways and 189 bastions and this construction was established by Mahmud Begada in the year 1487. He was in fact the grandson of the founder of this city, Ahmed Shah. In the course of the tenure of Muzaffar Ii, the Mughal Ruler Akbar captured this town in 1573. Jehangir provided the city the name of Gardabad in 1617. Moti Shahi Mahal in Shahibaug was constructed by Shahjahan. In the year 1753 the Marathas referred to as Raghunath Rao and Damaji Gaekwad ended the Mughal supremacy by capturing this city. Nonetheless there existed the struggle for power between Peshwa and Gaekwad.

The city fell into the control of the British in eighteenth February 1780 caused by the 1st Anglo Maratha War although it had been given back to the Marathas. However in 1818 East India Company set up their rule over the area. They started military cantonment in 1824, municipality in the year 1858 and train route from Ahmedabad up to Bombay in the year 1864.

Numerous manufacturing plants were established and the power of English was restricted to administrative and military sections. In 1859, the spinning and weaving firm was started by the Brahmin called Ranchhodlal Chhotalal. The technical learners were entitled to get scholarship grants from 1889. Numerous academic institutions for women were started in the middle of the nineteenth century.

Ahmedabad served as a very important place of Indian freedom struggle. When Gandhi came back from South Africa in the year 1915, he set up two ashrams, Kochrab Ashram as well as Satyagrah Ashram. This turned a significant area of Salt Satyagraha.

After the independence of India, Ahmedabad turned a part of Bombay state. After the states had been reorganized, the new state of Gujarat was formed on first May 1960 having Ahmedabad as its capital city. In the year 1971, the capital of Gujarat was moved from Ahmedabad to Gandhi Nagar. Nav Nirman turmoil in 1974 provided it a prominent place in the country's politics. A serious earth quake hit the place near the city on 26th January 2001 taking its toll. It destroyed a lot more than 50 buildings and wiped out nearly thousand individuals. The Ahmedabad photos and Ahmedabad videos of the earthquake made this city famous all over the world.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance content writer and blogger and has penned thousands of original articles. Click here to find out fascinating information regarding Ahmedabad and watch Ahmedabad photos and Ahmedabad videos.

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