Monday, February 6, 2012

History of The Hyderabad City

The Hyderabad city, the capital of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh has a long history starting from the period of Ruler Ashoka in third century B.C. Immediately after the downfall of Mauryan Kingdom, Satavahana dynasty came to rule. They dominated the place for roughly 450 years and then in 220 A.D., the power went right into the hands of the Andhra Ishvaku empire. Buddhism spread out within this region during this time. Chaukyas and Kakatiyas created their kingdom around Warangal till finally the location went straight into the control of the Delhi Sultanate in the year 1321. There had been numerous battles between Bahmani Sultanate and Vijayanagara Rayas for setting up command above the region.

The old name of Hyderabad was Golconda. There exists an exciting and charming story the way the place received the name The Hyderabad city. All through the rule of Qutb Shahi dynasty, the fifth king of the order, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah started the city in 1591. When he was fourteen years old, this guy was incredibly in love with the Hindu professional dancer Bhagmati. He often travelled to the hamlet of Chichlam right across Musi River to meet her. It is believed that Sultan Ibrahim, father of Quli Qutb Shah constructed the Purana Pul or the Old Bridge over the River Musi in order that his son would manage to go across it without just about any difficulty.

Quli Qutb Shah named the town after his affectionate woman as Bhagyanagar. Afterwards Bhagmati converted to Islam and had taken the name Hyder Mahal. So the name of this town had also been changed into Hyderabad. Qutb Shahi kings ruled The Hyderabad city between 1518 and the year 1687. Throughout this era numerous wonderful constructions and structures were built including Charminar, the most popular edifice. There had been totally eight Qutb Shahi rulers and during the rule of the last king, Abul Hasan Tana Shah, Mughal Ruler Aurangazeb captured the spot. On 22nd September 1687, Golconda became a portion of the Mughal provinces. Aurangazeb built Mecca Masjid in 1693. Immediately after Aurangazeb moved his capital city from Hyderabad to Aurangabad, Hyderabad lost its value.

In 1713, Qamaruddin was appointed as being the Governor of Deccan area and then in the year 1724, he announced him as being the Nizam-ul-Mulk. He was the founder of the Asaf Jahis dynasty. The Nizams changed the capital city back again to Hyderabad and then the location got back its lost glory. These rulers reigned over the place from 1724 to the year 1948. Qamaruddin was named as Asaf Jah I. Seven generations of rulers of this dynasty ruled over Hyderabad, making that the greatest Muslim province in India. The very last Nizam was Mir Osman Ali Khan - the seventh Nizam.

While there had been a declaration of Indian Independence given by the British governor, all of the free states were given choice to be a part of either India or Pakistan or to remain separate. Every one of the states wanted to turn out to be a portion of Indian Union except Hyderabad. Nizam of The Hyderabad city wished to stay separate and so he signed a standstill agreement. Even so, India was adamant that The Hyderabad city really should join Indian Union and therefore to tighten the noose, it imposed an economical restriction in 1948. Lastly Sardar Vallabhai Patel the then deputy Prime Minister of India had to undertake military measures towards the province and ultimately on eighteenth September 1948 Hyderabad surrendered.

On first November 1956, the new state of Andhra Pradesh was formed on language lines with The Hyderabad city as its capital. The Hyderabad photos and Hyderabad videos discovered on the web display the magnificent structures of Qutb Shahi empire as well as Nizam empire.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance author and blogger and has penned thousands of unique articles. Just click here to uncover significant information about Hyderabad and watch Hyderabad photos and Hyderabad videos.

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