Tuesday, February 7, 2012

History of Kanpur City

Kanpur is the greatest city in Uttar Pradesh in India. This metropolis includes a history dating back to 13th century. Raja Kanti Deo of Prayag founded the hamlet of Kohna in 1207 AD and this might have come to be called Kanpur. Kanpur city had a strong link with Kannauj. Nonetheless Kanpur wasn't a city but a small town till 18th century and didn't have any sort of significance.

The traditional history of Kanpur city suggests about the 2 suburbs, Bithoor and Jajmau. Bithoor is located 20 kilometers from the city and Jajmau 8 kilometres. Bithoor possessed an important place in Hindu mythology as Lord Brahma was meant to have executed the Ashvamedha Yagam here. Also it is mentioned that Valmiki who had written the epic Ramayana had his Ashram at Bithoor and it was in that Ashram that Seeta, wife of Rama spent her days along with her kids Lava and Kusha. Even so they are all myths and don't have any evidence these days. At Jajmau, there are left overs of a quite old fortification. Some other excavations indicate that the area carries a background dating back to Vedic era.

The name Kanpur is claimed to have originated through the name Kanhiyapur meaning town of Kanhaiya. Kanhaiya is God Krishna, the god of Hindu mythology. The town is believed to have launched by the rulers of Chandela dynasty. It is likewise mentioned the title comes from the name of the nearby location Makanpur. British called this place Cawnpore or Khanpur. The title is also considered to have come out of the name Kohna. When Raja Kanti Deo set up the village in thirteenth century, he named that Kohna.

Kanpur city had been a part of the Kingdom of Awadh from 1773 to the year 1801. In 1801, a treaty had been agreed upon in between Nawab Saadat Ali Khan and English. According to this particular agreement, the city went into the possession of the English. They understood the value of the spot. Many entrepreneurs began to establish their settlements there. One wing of the military was moved to this particular spot in 1778 to give security to the lives and assets of the European businessmen that were living there.

On 24th March 1803, Kanpur had been proclaimed as the district. There had been parade grounds and stations of the Indian infantry. The Ganges Canal was built in the year 1854. There had been about 7,000 troopers positioned there. During the First War of Indian Independence in 1857, 900 British had been trapped. Nana Saheb headed this revolt. They decided to give up provided that they were allowed to get through the Satti Chaura Ghat. However they had been shot at Satti Chaura Ghat as a result of turmoil. Several were murdered in the Satti Chaura Ghat massacre. A cathedral called All Souls’ Cathedral was built in the year 1862 in the memory of the deceased. This chapel is today renamed Kanpur Memorial Church.

There had been enormous commercial developments in Kanpur city after the year 1857. The first cotton mill had been founded here in 1862. It turned one of the major textile producers of India. There are also a lot of leather tanning industries situated right here. After the Indian independence it turned out to be one of the largest industrial hubs of India. Kanpur photos and Kanpur videos will demonstrate this fact.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance author and blogger and has written thousands of unique articles. Just click here to uncover exciting details about Kanpur and watch Kanpur photos and Kanpur videos.

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