Thursday, February 23, 2012

History of Chandigarh City

Chandigarh is the capital of the 2 Indian states Punjab and Haryana. The name Chandigarh is obtained from the name of the temple located at this site called Chandi Mandir. This temple is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Chandi. This is one of one of the most spectacular cities in India with central grid gardens and effectively designed structures. The human settlement started here 8000 years back during the time of Harappan civilization. The excavations performed in this location during the 50s and sixties demonstrate that.

The city of Chandigarh was designed after the independence of India. When India was partitioned, a portion of Punjab was combined with Pakistan and the then capital city Lahore turned out to be a part of Pakistan. Consequently there was a necessity to set up a new capital city and for all these causes, the city was designed. Jawaharlal Nehru took personal attention in the venture and entrusted the job with the French builder, Le Corbusier who had very good experience in city planning. The master plan of the city was drafted by the American planner Albert Mayer.

The place for constructing the newer city was selected by Dr. M.S. Randhawa, the then Deputy Commissioner of Ambala. To build the newer metropolis of Chandigarh, fifty-eight villages that had 6228 families had to be migrated. This approach triggered enormous turmoil. Anti-capital Committee was formed and they also started their vigorous campaign. On account of this, the development works had been restricted and it took two years for the government to come at a solution.

In December 1949, the city planner, Albert Mayor was appointed by the Punjab Government. He along with another builder Matthew Nowicki took up the organizing job. The entire city was drawn in the shape of an alluvial cone that was placed amongst the two rivers. One more wing of this city was bedded next to the Shivalik ranges. The city was divided as super blocks and each one among them was subdivided into three parts.

P.L. Verma and P.N. Thapar were the administrators of the undertaking and they were greatly satisfied with the plan. They contacted the European architect Le Corbusier to make the last plan. Numerous other designers were employed in the approach and finally the job was performed with wonderful excellence. It was built over an area of 114.59 square kilometers. Chandigarh emerged as the capital city of Punjab and Haryana and it alone was a Union Territory that comes below the direct control of the Central Government.

A portion of human beings of Punjab talked Punjabi with a Sikh majority whilst the ones in the east part talked Hindi. Consequently it was intended to be restructured depending on language lines. When the new state of Haryana was created from Punjab on 1st November 1966 with Hindi speaking people as the majority, Chandigarh was made as its capital also.

The city has all of the features and it has private areas for the homes of the government staff, educational institutions, colleges, nursing homes and shopping centers. It has properly designed broad streets intersecting one another in right angles. The modern-day planning of this metropolis might be seen in the Chandigarh photos and Chandigarh videos.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance content writer and blogger and has penned thousands of original articles. Click the link to learn exciting details about Chandigarh and watch Chandigarh photos and Chandigarh videos.

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