Saturday, February 18, 2012

Story of Patna City

Patna, the capital of the Indian state of Bihar contains a long historical past of about 3 thousand years. The region has a wealthy history since it was strongly connected with Jainism, Buddhism, Gupta period of time, Mauryan period of time and Mughal period of time. It turned out a prominent town in India both prior to independence and after independence.

There was a reference about the city in the Jain and Buddhist writings about twenty-five hundred years ago. The King of Magadha named Ajatashatru, the son of Bimbisara ruled this area in 490 B.C. It is stated that King Putraka called this area after his wife Patali. Buddha devoted the final years of his living in this town. There had been a lot of names for the place including Patna, Pataligrama, Pushpapuram, Kusum Dhwaja, Azimabad, Kusumpura and Padmavathi.

Chandragupta Maurya ruled from Pataliputra right after the fall of Nanda empire. It was one of those most significant cities of the world at the time of the Mauryan rule starting from 321 B.C. to 185 B.C. Magasthanese the Greek ambassador who went to see Patna during that time had cited that that had been a city of wood works. The stone construction started in 273 B . c . during the time period of Ruler Ashoka.

Gupta dynasty which ruled The Indian suB.C.ontinent starting from 320 Ad to 550 Ad had Patna as their capital city. It was then referred to as Pataliputra. Gupta period was known as the golden age of Indian history. The artwork of Ajanta caves and Elephanta caves were created during this time.

Patna turned a part of the Delhi Sultanate in 12th century. Patna obtained far more popularity during the period of the Sher Shah Suri. He constructed a fort and mosque in 1545 in the design of Afghan buildings. The most ancient mosque in Patna was built by Allauddin Hussaina Shah in the year 1489. Daud Khan was killed by the Mughal Ruler Akbar in 1574. It is mentioned in Ain-i-Akbari that Patna was prospering in the business of stone, glass, rice and paper. In 1704, when Prince Muhammad Azim the grandson of Emperor Aurangazeb worked as the subedar of Patna, the name of the city was changed into Azimabad.

Following the fall of Mughal empire, the area arrived below the domination of the Nawabs of Bengal. It grew to become a commercial center then and also flourished as a center of worldwide trade and commerce. After the battle of Buxar in 1764, British East India Company set up their rule over Patna. In accordance with the Diwani rights, they obtained the rights for collecting taxes of this place given by the then Mughal king Shah alam.

Beneath the British rule, Bengal Presidency was partitioned in the year 1912. At that point, the newer province of Orissa and Bihar had been established with Patna as its capital city. Most of these properties constructed during the first half of twentieth century in Patna such as the Patna Museum along with the State Assembly building reveal the Indo Saracenic style. This can be recognized by the Patna photos and Patna videos. Patna continued to be the capital city of Bihar when new state of Orissa was created in the year 1935. Soon after the Indian independence, Patna functions as a centre of commerce and center of learning.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance author and blogger and has penned thousands of original articles. Click here to learn interesting information regarding Patna and watch Patna photos and Patna videos.

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