Saturday, February 18, 2012

Heritage of Nashik City

Nashik is located around the banks of the Godavari River in Maharashtra state. It was referred to as Gulshanabad previously. The archaeological excavations show that the city was populated during the early Stone Age and they also had been identified within the riverbad at Gangavadi. Agastya the legendary hermit is said to have existed in the banks of the River Godavari flowing through this region. It served as the most significant marketplace of this nation in one hundred fifty B.C.

It's believed that after Surpanaka, the sister of Raavan tried out to seduce Ram, Ram cut apart her nose or nashika at Panchavati which is within the boundaries of this town. The title Nashika later on came to become identified as Nashik. From 1487 A.D., Mughal powers dominated this place. In the writings regarding the Mughal Emperor Akbar called Ein-e-Akbari, there does exist detailed information with regards to Nashik.

From a hundred B.C. to 600 A.D., Bhikku Sangha was well-liked among the people which can be understood by the Brahmi texts that happen to be discovered within the Pandavleni Caves. Gautamiputra Saatkarni of Saatkarni empire reigned over this location and it was he who donated one of the caves. Trikantak and Padmaasana were another names of the metropolis.

Hazrat Peer Sayed Sadiqu Shah Hussaini arrived right here through Madina and the man named this Gulchanabad meaning the city of rose. He propagated Islam within this city. It was again named Nashik in the course of the rule of these Peshwas. It came under the command of Peshwas in 1751. The Peshwa rulers Anandibai and Raghobadada resided here.

It was an attractive metropolis surrounded by nine hills and the attractiveness of the city pulled in the British. On nineteenth April 1818, this came under the control of the British East India Company. The first advanced library of Bombay Presidency was founded in Nashik in 1840. Various other basic conveniences such as the distillery, central prison and press had been set up in Nashik making that more essential. There were a few agitations listed here throughout the Great Revolt of 1857.

An Anglo-vernacular school was started in 1861 and it was made a municipality in the year 1864. Within the 2nd half of 19th century, a saint referred to as Dev Mamaledar also known as Yeshvant Mahadev Bhosekar resided here. He assisted the men and women generously and when he passed on in 1887, a small temple was constructed on his graveyard and it's known as Yeshvant Patangana.

Nashik train station was built in 1862 as well as the district of Nashik was established in the year 1869. One of the freedom fighters Anand Kanhere fired Mr. Jackson who had been the then collector of Nashik on 21st December 1909. He passed away on the place which resulted in lots of problems. He and also other conspirators were sentenced to death and they were hanged on seventh March 1910. Mass Satyagraha was arranged in Nashik in the year 1932.

After the Indian independence, Nashik turned out to be a portion of Bombay presidency and later on a major city of Maharashtra. Nashik was famous for its gold and silver decorations and it became one of the important business centres of these items. Nashik photos and Nashik videos may speak of its heritage.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance author and blogger and has penned thousands of unique articles. Just click here to find out fascinating information regarding Nashik and watch Nashik photos and Nashik videos.

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