Thursday, February 23, 2012

History of Trichy

Trichy also known as Tiruchirappalli is one of the very important metropolitan areas of Tamil Nadu state in India. It is situated on the banks of the River Cauvery. It is one of the areas of historic value as it was ruled by diverse kingdoms during various occasions which include the Chola dynasty, Pandya dynasty, Pallava dynasty, Delhi Sultanate, Madurai Sultanate, Vijayanagar Kingdom, Nayak dynasty and British. Cholas had Uraiyur as their capital which happens to be one of the suburbs of Trichy.

The name Tiruchirappalli came from the Sanskrit name Trishirapuram which means three headed town. The well-liked perception of Hindus is that the demon with three heads called Trishira meditated at this location in the direction of Lord Shiva to get his favor. This town was known as Tirussilapalli that means holy rock city in one of the inscriptions of the 16th century. Chiruttapalli indicates little village and therefore the name might have descended from that. It had been called Trichinopoly by British.

Earlier settlements in Trichy began in two thousand B.C. The remnants of these human beings resided in Uraiyur from third century B.C. to 3rd century A.D are discovered in the excavations completed in Trichy. The great historian Ptolemy has mentioned the town in his works as Orthoura. During the time of Karikala Chola, Kallanai was built over the Cauvery River. In sixth century, the location was reigned over by the Pallava Empire. It was during the tenure of the Pallava king Mahendravarman I that the Rock Fort cave temples were built. Pallavas ruled Trichy for 2 centuries and in eighth century A.D., it arrived under the dominance of the Chola Kingdom. They held sway until the starting of 13th century A.D.

In the year 1216, Pandyas captured Trichy however within a century they lost it to the Delhi Sultanate. Malik Kafur the commander of the Delhi Sultanate defeated them and looted the valuables. From 1311 to the year 1378, it had been ruled by Delhi Sultanate and Madurai Sultanate. In 1378, it had been included to the Vijayanagar Empire and it was succeeded by the control of Madurai Nayaks. It remained in their possession until 1736 right up until it had been taken over by Chanda Sahib. In the year 1741 Marathas captured the place and the Maratha general Murari Rao took care of the administration for a few years.

In 1743, it had been included with the Carnatic Empire. While Chanda Sahib ousted the Nawab of Carnatic, Muhammed Ali Khan Wallajah in 1751 he set up his root at Tiruchirappalli. This triggered the 2nd Carnatic War. English East India Company sided with Muhammed Ali Khan Wallajah while the French East India Company took the side of Chanda Sahib. The English military was successful and Wallajah turned out to be the ruler once more.

In the year 1753 Nanjaraja occupied Trichy and in 1780, Hyder Ali of Mysore Kingdom invaded the place. Once again Tipu Sultan made his attack in 1793. British figured out the secret connection amongst Tipu Sultan and the Carnatic Nawab, Umdat Ul Umra. So, at the time they annexed the Carnatic Kingdom in July 1801, Trichy also came under their control. The English set up the district of Trichinopoly. Trichy noticed huge developments immediately after that both in pre-independence period of time and post-independence period of time. Rock Fort in Trichy is really a quite well-known place and might be seen in the Trichy photos and Trichy videos.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance author and blogger and has penned thousands of original articles. Click the link to find out interesting details about Trichy and watch Trichy photos and Trichy videos.

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