Saturday, February 18, 2012

Historical Past of Agra City

Agra is one of many important cities of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is located on the banks of the Yamuna River. It is home to the wonder of the world, Taj Mahal and hence this particular metropolis is well-known all over the globe. The background of Agra city starts with the period of Mahabharata as there had been a mention concerning this particular city in that great epic.

The name Agra is said to have come from the phrase Agrevana. Agrevana implies the edge of the forest. It must be encompassing a huge woodland during those times. The town was established by Raja Badal Singh in 1475 Ad. He constructed a fortification called Badalgarh. Shahi Ruler Jayapala ruled over from the Agra fort and he was attacked by Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni and that event was pointed out in the writing of the eleventh century Persian poet, Masud Sad Salman.

Agra city grew to become the capital city during the rule of Sikandar Lodi in the year 1506. When he expired in 1517, his son Ibrahim Lodi got to power. He ruled over the location for 9 years till he had been defeated by the Mughal King Babar during the Fight of Panipat in 1526. In the course of the rule of Delhi Sultanate, Agra was an important tourist destination. It possessed many significant structures constructed by the Mughal Kings, Akbar, Shah Jahan and Jahangir. Each one of these three kings got a preference for setting up architectures and so they built Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikhri, all these three are UNESCO World Heritage sites currently.

The rich history of Agra is demonstrated through numerous historical monuments established in the town. Although the history started from the time period of Mahirshi Angira, it attained its peak during the Mughal time. Samrat Hem Chander Vikramaditya was the Leader of the army of Adil Shah of Suri Dynasty of Afghan. He invaded Agra in the year 1556 and Tardi Beg Khan, the leader of Mughals of Delhi retreated without a fight as he was scared of Hemu. Hemu conquered Delhi on seventh October 1556 and set up the Vikramaditya Dynasty in Northern India.

Mughal time period was called the glowing period of the history of Agra. Akbar called it Akbarabad and it served as being the capital city of the Mughal Empire during the intervals of the kings Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan. In the course of the period of Akbar, he founded the new faith Din-I-Ilahi in Agra. Even so in the course of the period of time of Shah Jahan in the year 1649, it was changed back again to Delhi. When his son Aurangazeb had become the king, he locked up Shah Jahan in Agra city and shifted his capital to Delhi.

For a short time frame, Jats and Marathas ruled over the spot. In the year 1803, Agra came below the control of the British Empire. A terrific famine hit Agra city in 1837 and continued for a year. Agra was one of the essential centers of the Great Revolt of 1857. It was the birth place of the Radhaswami Faith. The significance of Agra grew after the indian independence in 1947. The Agra photos and Agra videos show the majesty of the metropolis and its monuments.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance content writer and blogger and has written thousands of original articles. Click here to uncover significant details about Agra and watch Agra photos and Agra videos.

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