Friday, February 10, 2012

Historical Past of Indore

Holkars possess a major place in the history of Indore. Indore is situated in Madhya Pradesh in Central India. In ancient times it needed to deal with frequent hazards from Maratha rulers. The place was ruled over by the ancestral Zamindars of Malwa plateau. They had a lavish lifestyle and in addition they possessed the rights of executing the first pooja at the time of the celebration of Dussera. They had close relationship with the Mughal rulers and the Mughal kings affirmed their Jagir privileges.

The founder of Indore city was Rao Nandlal Chaudhary. He was basically the chief Zamindar of the place and therefore he visited the court of Delhi and obtained unique gifts which include jewel studded swords. During that period of time, Raja Sawai Jai Singh retained supremacy over Jaipur. He continued to be a good friend of Rao Nandlal Chaudhary. He presented him Gold Langar for a gift.

Rao Nandlal Chaudhary got a massive armed service of two thousand men. He searched for a safe location which he identified close to the Indreshwar temple. He established the city of Indrapur also referred to as Indreshpur. This later on was referred to as Indore. The region before long arrived below the control of Peshwa. Baji Rao Peshwa dominated the spot in 1733 and then he entrusted the work of Subhedar to Malhar Rao Holkar. This began the era of Holkar dynasty in Malwa plateau.

Malhar Rao Holkar was deemed to be the founder of Holkar Empire. He existed from the year 1694 to 1766 . He possessed the complete control of things of the Malwa Maratha armies under him. He was made as the governor of Maratha region in 1733. He collected revenues from Malwa for Peshwa. He was in charge of seventy four parganas. He established the town of Malharganj in 1734.

Ahilya Bai was the daughter-in-law of Malhar Rao Holkar. The woman succeeded him while he passed away in the year 1766. She possessed good passion in constructing temples and dharmasalas. She ruled the area from Eleventh December 1768 to Thirteenth August 1795 till her death. She married Khanderao Holkar, son of Malhar Rao Holkar. Her husband passed away in the fight of Kumbher in 1754 and therefore she had to rule the place right after the death of her father-in-law. Maheshwar continued to be her capital city. Indore city was also called after this lady as Ahilyanagari. However only after her death, the capital was shifted from Maheshwar to Indore. Therefore Indore turned the capital city of Malwa Holkars in the year 1811 AD.

During the 3rd Anglo Maratha war of 1818, Holkars were defeated as well as their empire passed on to the hands of British. The agreement of Mandsaur was agreed upon right after the Battle of Mahidpur and based on the treaty Indore turned out to be the capital city of Holkar state.

During the Revolt of 1857, Holkars were on the side of the British. They ruled over Indore until the independence of India. Right after the Indian independence, Indore city became the summer time capital of the Madhya Bharat state. When Madhya Bharat became Madhya Pradesh on First November 1956, Bhopal was made as the capital city instead of Indore. Indore photos and Indore videos would speak about the glory of this spot.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance content writer and blogger and has penned thousands of original articles. Just click here to uncover exciting details about Indore and watch Indore photos and Indore videos.

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