Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Story of Nagpur City

Nagpur was located in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The excavation at Drugdhamma indicates the historical past of Nagpur commences from 8th century BC. The title Nagpur springs from the title of the River Nag that runs through this region. The name Nagpur was first observed in the inscriptions on copper plates which were identified in the Devali region. All these plates belong to the tenth century AD. During the rule of Rashtrakuta king Krasna The second, the Napura hamlet was granted and that message was discovered in those copper plates.

Nagpur was dominated by the Vakataka dynasty in fourth century BC. Then several dynasties like Rashtrakutas, Badami Chalukyas and Yadavas dominated over this place. At the time of the rule of Yadava dynasty, in 1296 AD, Allauddin Khilji invaded the location and taken that. Later in the year 1317 it came beneath the command of the Tughlaq Dynasty. Mughal Empire dominated over the place since seventeenth century. However the regional administration was vested with the Gond Kingdom.

Bakht Buland, the royal prince of Gond Kingdom of Deogarh and Nagpur set up the city of Nagpur. Chand Sultan succeeded him who made Nagpur as his capital city. Wali Shah, illegitimate child of Bakht Buland became the ruler in the year 1739 right after the death of Chand Sultan and hence the widow of Chand Sultan looked for the help of the Maratha leader Raghuji Bhonsle of Berar. She desired her sons Akbar Shah and Burhan Shah to get the throne. It was made accordingly with the help of Raghuji Bhonsle.

In 1743, Rahoji Bhonsle conquered Deogarh and Chanda. Raghoji II joined Peshwas in the year 1803 and battled with British during the 2nd Anglo Maratha War. When he died in 1816, his son Parsaji was murdered by Mudhoji II. In the year 1817, Mudhoji II joined up with Peshwa in the Third Anglo Maratha War to protect against British but was finally conquered by them. Following the battle, Raghoji III the grand son of Raghoji II was placed on the throne and he carried on his rule till 1840. He passed away in the year 1853 without an heir and as a result the complete region of Nagpur came beneath the dominance of British.

The Nagpur Province covered the region of Nagpur, Chindwara and Chhattisgarh. It came under the management of Central Provinces and Nagpur became the capital. On 1st January 1877, Tata Group started its first textile mill at Nagpur also called Empress Mill. It was during the Nagpur session of Indian National Congress in 1920 the non-cooperation movement was released. Rss was launched in Nagpur in 1925.

After the independence of India in 1947, Central province was made as a province of India. In the year 1950, Nagpur was made as the capital of Madhya Pradesh. However once the states were reorganized in 1956, Nagpur had become a part of Bombay state. Once more Bombay state was divided in 1960 as Maharashtra and Gujarat and at that time Nagpur was retained with Maharashtra and it's at present the wintertime capital of the state. In the year 2002, a huge celebration was organized in Nagpur city to mark the 300 years of its establishment. Nagpur photos and Nagpur videos of this celebration is found on the internet in a lot of internet websites.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance content writer and blogger and has penned thousands of original articles. Just click here to find out interesting information regarding Nagpur and watch Nagpur photos and Nagpur videos.

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