Thursday, January 26, 2012

Indian Politician A. Raja And Exploitation Of Power

Andimuthu Raja appeared in Perumbalur, in Tamil Nadu, India. This younger politician joined up with the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam political party and is a part of the Lok Sabha. Being a member of the fifteenth parliament plus a member of the United Progressive Alliance he was made telecom central minister for his term at office. He had several accusations against him. He was charged for offering the 2G spectrum at very cheap quotes and also in a biased ‘first come first serve’ basis as opposed to a transparent method followed otherwise. He is considered among the biggest black money holders within the country.

In modern day Indian track record, his fraud may be the most significant scam ever, that entails greatest sum of losses to the government. The scam is actually a scam of under-pricing where he assigned 2G spectrums to firms at rates not beneficial in that case but old prices. These old prices were a lot lesser compared to rates then and thus the cumulative loss to the govt was really substantial. A. Raja had by his own finalized and sold the spectrum in 08 at rates of 2001, this under-pricing led to a two hundred crore rupees losses for the United Progressive Alliance government.

The allocated policy of A. Raja in addition came under the shield. He assigned spectrums with the ‘first-come-first-served’ basis. Usually these types of govt designations are accomplished by means of transparent bidding system. But the truth that he opted for the deceptive and aloof method of assigning the spectrum have increased claims of him allotting it to selected few for his vested interests. All these vested interests were the monetary benefits that the firms had to give to Raja. Raja was under judicial custody at Tihar jail up to March 31, 2011.

The CBI submitted an FIR in opposition to A. Raja which claims that there's a two hundred crore rupee scam in which Raja has played an important part. This scam concerned A. Raja plus a couple of of his associates as well as IPS officers. All these IPS officers were likewise a serious part of the scam and they have been charged and sent to jail along with Raja. The CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General) and also the Central Bureau of Investigation have a number of allegations against A. Raja and all of those accusations are now being tried in the Supreme Court of India. Raja sumbitted his resignation on the 14th of November the year 2011 although had previously resisted resignation claiming his innocence.

This resignation was an after move as in January his house and office had been raided. This particular raid was carried out by the Central Bureau of Investigation, they repossesed personal computers as proof that could be put to use against A. Raja and his associates in the Supreme Court. The CAG has calculated that Raja might have made three hundred crore from the claimed bribes. A. Raja photos and A. Raja videos had been employed against him in the criminal proceedings in the Supreme courts in which he has been observed talking to Nira Radia in the tapes. He's therefore found guilty on a range of allegations; TIME magazine has regarded this scam as 2nd on the listing of Top ten abuses of power, next only to the Watergate scandal.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance content writer and blogger and has written thousands of original articles. Just click here to uncover significant details about A. Raja and watch A. Raja photos and A. Raja videos.

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