Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru - The First Prime Minister of India

Jawaharlal Nehru was born in Uttar Pradesh in India. He served as the first Prime Minister of India. He's claimed to have seriously taken part in the Indian struggle of independence. Jawaharlal Nehru is one of the perfect Prime Ministers of India. He's also believed to have created a variety of social policies which ensures his name is written in golden letters in the history of India. In the very beginning of his term as Prime Minister he needed to encounter lots of problems.

Jawaharlal Nehru was made responsible for the country by Gandhi. Right after Nehru began to lead the temporary government there had been a number of violence and communal protests. He was forced to unwillingly help the Indian partition and he then offered his first inaugural address titled ‘A Tryst with Destiny’. Jawaharlal Nehru’s first phase as Prime minister noticed disputes in Delhi, Punjab, Bengal as well as other states of the country. A few individuals suspected the personal enmity in between Jawaharlal Nehru and Muhammad Ali Jinnah contributed to the partition of Pakistan and India. Jinnah wished a more decentralized India, whereas Jawaharlal Nehru desired a centralized nation. Evidence of this personalized clash isn't out there but that is certainly what was considered in the time of Indian partition.

When Jawaharlal Nehru was an aging man he regularly looked to his daughter Indira for support. Indira Gandhi therefore came into the Political world as Jawaharlal Nehru’s daughter and in the future went on to become the Prime Minister of India. In the 1952 elections congress won with the easy majority. Jawaharlal Nehru is likewise acknowledged to have launched the first five yr plan. In the year 1951 this five year plan confirmed various ventures of the government. It stated the government should manage numerous large scale industries, mining and so forth and the private sector is opened to small and medium scale industries.

Jawaharlal Nehru can be said to be the first Prime Minister to promote cottage industries. He had various ideas for the enhancement of the poor people as well as the men and women that came to India as refugees from Pakistan, right now a separate nation. In his tenure the country faced severe shortage of food though the gross production was improving. He encouraged growth of a variety of heavy metal and manufacturing industries. Continuing poverty and widespread joblessness seriously affected the economic climate during his tenure as PM.

He loved rose flowers and children. He proudly pins the rose on his clothing. Since he liked kids a great deal, his date of birth is celebrated as the Children’s Day in India. Jawaharlal Nehru was quite enthusiastic regarding education and learning. He understood an educated man can turn mountains and change countries. He hence founded a number of organizations for higher studying. He incubated the IITs, IIMs and the NITs.

Under his control the constitution of India made a number of alterations in social reforms and made attempts to increase legal rights and social freedom for women. To eradicate social inequality he launched the reservation program, a step which was needed at that time but is today widely criticized. Jawaharlal Nehru photos and Jawaharlal Nehru videos of him hoisting the national flag on the fifteenth of August have become a source of motivation for generations to come.

Suhaina Mazhar is a freelance content writer and blogger and has written thousands of original articles. Just click here to find out interesting details about Jawaharlal Nehru and watch Jawaharlal Nehru photos and Jawaharlal Nehru videos.

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